Family Dentistry
Of Royal Oak
Ladies smiling after dental examination in Royal Oak, MI

Save Your Teeth: A Guide to Root Canals

March 28, 2023
Posted By: Family Dentistry
An illustration of tooth canal in Royal Oak, MI

If you have ever had a toothache, you know how unpleasant it can be. Although it’s perfectly natural to be anxious about what might happen when you go to the dentist and are experiencing tooth pain, many of today’s dental treatment options are incredibly gentle and pain-free. There is a chance you may be given the option of root canal therapy for the tooth that is bothering you, but you will ultimately decide to proceed with root canal therapy or an extraction.

What Is a Root Canal in Royal Oak, MI?

The root canal is at the center of the tooth; within the root canal is called the pulp chamber; within the pulp chamber are the tooth’s nerves. When the pulp chamber of your tooth becomes infected, or the tooth’s nerve dies, you may need root canal therapy. We can open the tooth, remove the infected area, and then fill the tooth.

If the root canal process has weakened the tooth, we will place a porcelain crown on top of the tooth to allow it to function at full capacity.

Symptoms of a damaged or infected tooth include:

  • Persistent pain, especially when you are chewing something
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold that lingers after the hot or cold is removed
  • Swollen or tender gums around the tooth
  • Darkening of your gums around the tooth
  • Pimples on your gums
  • A chipped or cracked tooth

What Are the Benefits of a Root Canal?

Root canal therapy has numerous benefits for you and your oral health, so the sooner you realize there’s nothing to feel anxious about, the sooner you can allow us to perform the procedure and move on with your busy life. The benefits of root canal therapy are:

  • First and foremost, root canal therapy allows you to keep your tooth. The best outcome for your oral health is always to save your tooth if possible; a root canal is the most efficient way to do that.
  • Root canal therapy is virtually painless. You may experience minor discomfort after the procedure, but using over-the-counter pain relievers will help.
  • Your dental insurance will likely cover root canal therapy, which is cost-effective.
  • Root canal therapy keeps infection from spreading to your other teeth, serving a preventative function.
  • Root canal therapy keeps your jawbone from degenerating; an untreated infection can spread into your jawbone and compromise your oral health.
  • Root canal therapy can boost your overall health by removing an infection from your tooth that could lead to poor oral health and other non-dental health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections.

What Are the Differences Between a Root Canal and an Extraction?

When you discover you need root canal therapy, you may wonder why the dentist doesn’t simply extract or remove the infected tooth. That may seem easier and less expensive for you, right? Ultimately, it is your decision, so let’s look at the differences between a root canal and an extraction:

  • A root canal will keep your smile and appearance more aesthetically pleasing because you keep your natural tooth. With extraction, you will have an opening where the tooth used to be.
  • A root canal allows you to bite and chew normally as you did before the root canal. If you have your tooth extracted, you won’t be able to chew in that area of your mouth.
  • A root canal is less painful than an extraction, and there is less risk of complications. If you have your tooth extracted, you may opt for a dental implant, and there is a chance your body will reject the implant.
  • A root canal keeps your other teeth in place and keeps them from shifting. Once a tooth is extracted, your other teeth will likely shift because there is extra space for them to move.
  • A root canal is typically covered by dental insurance. Extractions are also usually covered, but the dental implant to replace the extracted tooth is often not covered by insurance and is much more expensive to the patient than root canal therapy.
  • However, if your tooth is too damaged for a root canal or cracked below the gum line, you may not qualify for root canal therapy. In this case, an extraction to stop the pain and eliminate the infection may be the best course of action.

How Do I Care for My Tooth After Root Canal Therapy?

Once your root canal therapy is complete and you are back home, you should be sure to follow these care guidelines:

  • Eat soft foods
  • Avoid putting pressure on the tooth
  • Brush and floss gently
  • Keep your mouth clean by rinsing it out frequently
  • Follow the instructions of the dental professionals at Family Dentistry of Royal Oak

Are You Interested in Learning More About a Root Canal in Royal Oak, MI?

The dental professionals at Family Dentistry of Royal Oak are here to help you with any concerns regarding your oral health. We sincerely hope you will allow our friendly and experienced staff to help you with your entire family’s dental needs. Whether it’s root canal therapy or any other services we offer, our goal is your comfort and satisfaction.

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