A lifetime of optimal oral health calls for commitment. As with any long journey, it changes with time. Each phase of life presents unique oral health challenges and different methods for individuals to preserve and restore the form, function, and visual appeal of their smiles.
From developing good habits in childhood to the challenges of adulthood and older age, a dedicated and considered approach through each of life’s stages can help to ensure life-long oral health. Let’s take a look at the challenges we face in oral health over time and how to overcome them!
Promoting Strong Care Practices in Children
One big challenge in maintaining oral health in young children is instilling an appreciation for oral health and a real commitment to strong oral hygiene practices. Another is ensuring that your kids are eating a healthy diet.
To overcome these issues, there are a few steps we can take:
- Set a good example for your kids by committing to maintaining your own oral health
- Make up fun games around brushing and flossing
- Limit the intake of excessively sugary snacks and drinks
- Start scheduling routine dental visits by age 3
Also note that, as kids enter their teenage years, they may encounter orthodontic issues or the eruptions of their wisdom teeth, both of which require timely dental intervention.
Oral Care Throughout Adulthood
We probably don’t even need to discuss adulthood’s challenges to maintaining optimal oral health. Life’s stresses, like increasingly hectic schedules, possible medical issues, and not maintaining a healthy diet, can contribute to gum disease and tooth discoloration.
To overcome these risks, it’s vital to remain committed to brushing and flossing twice daily, maintaining a balanced and healthy diet, avoiding overly sugary or acidic foods and drinks, and regularly attending dental appointments for cleanings and preventive care.
The Top Name in Royal Oak Family Dentistry
If you’re in the Royal Oak, MI area and searching for a top-quality dental practice that’s committed to guiding you and your family through a lifetime of healthy, vibrant smiles with care and compassion, contact dentist Dr. Suchi Chalasani and the team at Royal Oak Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation!